What about Holiday Traditions?
This might be our last Christmas in this home. And then again, it might not 😊 Two years ago we thought we might take advantage of the seller's market. We weeded through excess stuff and donated several trunkloads to local charities. We planned to downsize to a smaller place by the spring. So we documented Christmas 2019 in great detail. As we gathered around Geoff's grandmother's antique table for what we thought would be the "last" Christmas Eve Vigil, we all photographed the feast for posterity. RVing was not a blip on our radar. But then again, neither was a global pandemic. A lot has changed in these past 24 months. Some good and some not-so good. However, all these combined experiences brought us to this point in time. We released our plans to travel around Europe in exchange for an American RV adventure. And we declare God is Good . Totoro Holiday Traditions Our family is steeped in holiday traditions. We begin Labor Day Weekend when I proclaim Christmas ...